You must be 16 years of age, by December 31st of that race year, to participate in a Sprint distance triathlon and 18 years of age by December 31st of race year to participate in a Stanadard distance triathlon. As we are sanctioned by Triathlon BC we are required to follow the distance maximums in place for young athletes.. For a full list of age requirements for each distance please refer to the Triathlon BC Kids of Steel page.

In some cases we are able to include athletes under the required ages noted above on a Relay Team. Please contact us directly PRIOR to registering to inquire.

Transfers to another participant are available up until 21 days prior to the event (transfer must be COMPLETED by that time). A fee of $25 applies. This can be facilitated within your Race Roster athlete dashboard. If you have opted in for Registration Protection the policy does not transfer to the new athlete.

Transfers must be completed within the noted time frame and via the processes provided by Dynamic Race Events. Selling of race entries outside of this process is not allowed and will nullify the entry with no refund. Should this occur, the person you sold the entry to will not be able to pick up a race package, as they will not be on our roster. This will also impact your ability to race with us in the future. So just don't!

The fee is to cover the insurance cost to race the course under Triathlon BC's insurance for the day. If you are a Triathlon BC member (or member of a reciprocating Provincial Sporting Organization, such Triathlon Alberta, Triathlon Saskatchewan) the insurance is covered by your membership. We will have a list of all Triathlon BC members as of the day before the race to ensure your membership is current. Members of other Provincial organizations will be required to show their paid membership confirmation.

Athletes who have not paid the fee during the registration process and who are not CURRENT members of Triathlon BC MUST pay the day of race insurance fee before they will be given their race package.

When you sign the registration form we are entering into a contract with each other, stating that we are going to put on a race and you are the person going to be racing that day. Triathlon BC, as our insurer, has the entrants list and those are the athletes who are covered for that day. If we were to not check picture ID and have someone pick up a package and race under someone else’s name and get injured, our insurance company would not cover the race or athlete, due to them not being the insured racer.

We are not able to offer deferrals or refunds. This in place to ensure we are prepared well ahead of race day to execute a premium event. This policy is applied to all entries and athletes without prejudice.

All race entries are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Race Transfers

Event to Event - In the event that you are unable to race in an event that you are currently registered, race transfers to another one of our Series events in the SAME calendar year are possible up until 14 days from the race day you are currently registered for. Transfers may only be done once per fully paid registration.

A transfer fee of $50 + Race Roster processing fees will be applied to ALL transfers, regardless of distance of the original registration.

Registration pricing differences will be applied if the transfer is to an event with a higher entry fee.

Athlete to Athlete – (2024) Transfers to another participant are available up until 21 days prior to the event (transfer must be COMPLETED by that time). A fee of $25 applies. This can be facilitated within your Race Roster athlete dashboard.

Changing Race Distances - Registered athletes can switch race distances in the SAME event (ex. from Sprint to Standard or Standard to Sprint) on their Race Roster athlete dashboard up until 21 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued for athletes "racing down".

Sub-event transfers after the 21-day deadline must be requested to Athlete Service - support@dynamicraceevents.com. Sub-event transfers are subject to availability within each sub-event.


Timing chips will be handed out on race morning, just outside the transition area.

Body marking with Sharpies has been replaced with Race Tattoos! Tattoos will be included in your race package and should, ideally, be applied the night prior or race morning, before you arrive to the venue. If you have forgotten to apply them, or for events where race morning package pick up is an option, we will have a race tattoo application station for you to do the job!

Timing Chips - in the event you lose your timing chip during the course of the event, it is imperative that you check in with Timing Staff at the SportStats Timing Tent, located at the finish line area.

If you lose your chip during the swim, do not proceed to the bike portion of the event without a replacement timing chip. If you lose the timing chip during the bike portion, do not proceed to the run without a replacement timing chip. If you lose your timing chip on the run, alert a race official IMMEDIATELY. If you cross the finish line without a timing chip it will result in an automatic DISQUALIFICATION!


Swim Caps - If you misplace or tear your specific wave coloured swim cap prior to race start please see one of our team to replace it for you. Extra swim caps are always available at swim start for last minute swim cap emergencies.

Bike racks are set up and numbered, with each athlete number assignment being done by race distance, gender and age group.

Bike racks are usually numbered to hold 6-8 bikes per rack, depending on number of athletes, with odd race numbers on one side and even on the other. While the racks spaces are not individually numbered, you will rack your bike anywhere on the specified rack that shows your number within the range.

Refer to the sign on the rack that will show you which way your front wheel should be facing, depending on whether you are an odd number or an even number.

Bikes do NOT need to be in numeric order on the rack, so long as your number is within the range noted on the rack sign.

Bikes should be racked by your seat with your front tire facing out.

No, as per Triathlon BC rules, you are only allowed small space beside your front wheel for your gear.

Any bins, bags, excessive gear that does not fit into the allowed space will be moved by Race Crew and/or Triathlon BC Officials to the perimeter of the transition area during the swim portion of the race.

Bins and bags may be placed inside transition around the perimeter fencing. While we do have security, we are not responsible for any items that are left unattended in transition. Please lock up valuables and leave phones and keys with family and friends who are spectating.

No. Any balloons, bright towels left on handlebars, ribbon tied on bike racks, flour trails on the ground or any other means of marking your spot in transition, making it easier for you to find your bike is considered an advantage over your competitors and is against the rules, it will be removed during the swim portion of the event.


For events with a swim distance 1500m and shorter, wetsuits are allowed where the water temperature is under 22C (71.6F) on race morning.

For events with a swim distance of 1501m and above - wetsuits are allowed where the water temperature is under 24.6C (76.28F) on race morning.

Athletes 60 years of age or older will have an upper limit of 24.5C for wetsuit usage, regardless of distance.

Wetsuits are MANDATORY for all athletes when the water temperature is UNDER 15.9C on race morning.

Water temperature is taken VERY early on race morning by Triathlon BC Officials. Once the Race Director is informed of the water temperature, they will announce if the race is deemed a wetsuit legal race or a non-wetsuit legal race. We do not know in advance at most venues what the exact water temperature will be. You should be training to be comfortable swimming in the open water WITHOUT a wetsuit for the distance you are registering for.

What if they call it a NON-WETSUIT swim? You will have the choice to participate or not. When you sign up for the event, you should be confident in your swim skills and prepared for whatever the decision is on race day. As per the rules, we are NOT able to offer a participation wave with wetsuits (due to health/overheating issues that can occur) and we are not able to provide a refund or credit for another event.

Yes. Swim caps are given out in different colours, depending on wave start and/or distance. The brightly coloured caps make you more visible in the water to our swim safety personnel and on shore medical team.

If you lose or tear your cap before the swim start, please see one of our team to replace it for you. We always have extras at swim start for last minute swim cap emergencies!

If you are having trouble during the swim, roll onto your back and raise your arm to get the attention of our swim support team.

You may swim over and hang on to a support boat or kayak or SUP, you just cannot be moved forward by them along the course. Once you have rested and feel that you may continue, you can push off and carry on your swim on the course.

In the event you have not completed the full distance of the swim, have been removed from the swim or you have missed the swim cut-off, your day of racing is over. An official will remove your timing chip and you cannot continue on the bike or run course. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you choose to continue out onto the course after having your timing chip removed you are no longer supported within the framework of the event (ie. insurance, medical or other assistance), this can also affect your ability to race with us in the future.

Please keep your wetsuit on the ground beside your bike in transition. DO NOT hang them on the transition area fence to dry.


Tribikes, TT-bikes, Road bikes, Commuters, Hybrid, Mountain...you can ride it! No e-bikes or bikes that are assisted in anyway by a battery or motor. Be certain it complies with the rules of equipment as set out in the Triathlon BC rules.

Accessories, such as mirrors, need to be removed, it is your responsibility to know this prior to race morning, race officials will require they be removed before you can check your bike into transition. See all the provincial rules on the Triathlon BC website.

Bicycles of non-traditional patterns (bicycles with irregular rider position) are considered illegal unless approved by the Head Race Official well prior to the race.

For athletes with a disability, the term ‘bicycle’ includes: bicycle, handcycle, tricycle, tandem bicycle and racing wheelchair. Any para-competitor using equipment that is non-traditional should have it approved prior to race-day. Please note that not all of our bike courses are para-friendly, please email us to inquire prior to registering.

Please note – The term ‘bicycle’ does not refer to recumbent bicycles, which are illegal for all competitors, whether paratriathlete or able bodied.

YES, helmets are mandatory! NO EXCEPTIONS!

Yes. Each event will have there own individual bike course cutoffs, dependent on regional permits and staffing and volunteer resources.

Please refer to each of the Events pages for their course cut-off times.

Mechanical support varies from event to event. Where we can ensure there is on course support, we have noted that on the individual event page.

Further details for each event will be included in the Athlete's Guide that is emailed out 7-14 days prior to event day.

All athletes should be prepared to be self-sufficient on race day - basic bike care, such as changing a flat tire or fixing a dropped chain should be in your wheelhouse of knowledge before race day! Talk to your favourite bike tech at your bike shop, they'll show you the basics.

All of our bike courses are open to traffic.

You must obey the rules of the road and keep to the right at all times, except to pass. Traffic Control Personnel (TCP) are on course to manage intersections and allow athletes the right of way - however, you should ALWAYS be riding heads up and paying attention to your surroundings.

Drafting is when you travel too close to another competitor on your bike.

To draft is to enter the bicycle or vehicle drafting zone:

•Middle and long distance draft zone: the bicycle draft zone will be 12 meters long measured from the leading edge of the front wheel. An athlete may enter the draft zone of another athlete, but must be seen to be progressing through that zone. A maximum of 25 seconds will be allowed to pass through the zone of another athlete;

•Standard and shorter distance events bicycle draft zone: the bicycle draft zone will be 10 meters long measured from the leading edge of the front wheel. An athlete may enter the draft zone of another athlete, but must be seen to be progressing through that zone. A maximum of 20 seconds will be allowed to pass through the zone of another athlete;

•Motorbike draft zone: the draft zone behind a motorbike will be 12 meters long. This applies also for draft legal events;

•Vehicle draft zone: the draft zone behind a vehicle will be 35 metres long and applies to every vehicle on the bike segment.

Depending on the event, you will either be assessed a time penalty on to your total race time OR you will need to serve a penalty in the penalty tent located in transition upon your return to T2.

For all Sprint and Standard distance races you will need to be self-sufficient on the bike course. There are no bike aid stations for these distances.

For Half Iron events, the bike course aid stations have bottled water, bottled sport drink, gels, and bananas. Bottled water and sport drink are served in sport top bottles that fit in your bike cage.


Yes! So long as you are able to keep pace to finish within the course cutoff times, you can pace doesn't matter. If we are concerned that you are pushing the cutoff time, our crew or an official will warn you and let you know that you need to pick up the pace in order to keep within the limit or face being cutoff or pulled from the course.

It is always our goal to have every athlete cross the finish line and we do our best to encourage athletes on course, however, please respect our crew if they need to pull you from the course due to permit time limits or for your health and safety.

Run aid stations will have water and electrolyte drink available.

Longer distances (half iron) will also have salt tabs, gels and flat cola.

Specific aid station offerings will be detailed in Athlete Guides sent out by email 7-14 days prior to race day.

No. Headphones and music are prohibited during ANY portion of the event and you will be penalized and the headphones will be confiscated until the end of the event.

This rule is for the safety of yourself, your competitors, our event staff and volunteers.


Aquabike athletes race time stops when they cross the timing mat at the end of the bike course. Aquabike athletes can then take their time racking their bike in T2 and change their shoes, before making their way to the finish line.

The time you take to rack your bike, change your shoes and make your way to the finish are does NOT get factored into your race time or affect your placing. Please come across the line with the other athletes and receive your finishers medal and be recognized by our race announcer.

We strive to have a photographer at each of our races.

Photos will be posted as soon as the become available from our photographers on our Facebook page and in our post-event email.

Yes. Each event has it's own unique post-race offerings. Please reference each of the events pages to find out what is being served post-race at the event you are registered for.

Water and electrolyte drinks are always available in the finish line area for athletes

Results are posted in real time on sportstats.one. If you have an issue with your time as posted and feel it is incorrect, please see the timing staff after you finish and before the awards ceremony.

SportStats, the world leader in event timing, times our events. Your results can be found immediately after you've finished HERE


We have been fortunate that in 19 years we have not had to cancel an event due to bad weather conditions.

An event may be delayed or cancelled due to adverse, inclement, or unsafe weather. Should the event be delayed, the starting time of the event will be moved back accordingly. The delay will be communicated to all participants. The event management team, Triathlon BC race officials and local law enforcement have the authority to cancel an event if deemed unsafe to continue. If cancellation of an event takes place, please follow instructions of the event officials and local law enforcement personnel. Your entry fee is non-refundable in the event it is cancelled due to adverse, inclement, or unsafe weather.


Rules of kindergarten apply! Be kind to others. Belligerent, obnoxious behaviour and foul language to any volunteer, fellow competitor or race official will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification and affect your ability to race with us in the future.

This policy also applies to your email communication.

It is the responsibility of each athlete to know the rules of our sport. The rules that govern triathlon in Canada can be found HERE
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